Job Related News: The Interview

Well I went to the interview. I was a bit early, but no harm in that right? Once they were ready for me, I was given a tour. Although it was a quick tour cause I've been there times before. Then I observed one of the teachers with a kid. This one kid was one of the aggressive kids, there are a total of four of these kids. He wasn't that aggressive and he didn't have a "tantrum", so it wasn't that bad. After about twenty minutes of that I had my interview with two of consultants. I think it went fine, I was asked about my ability to be silly in front of others...I held back a sarcastic look...I think there's a bit dramaticization (is that a word) to me that I can be silly in front of others...Although it's not like I'm use to being such a way in front of others. I only had one question to ask of them, and that was the training process...there's a probationary time of one month before I would be by myself on the schedule. As I walked around I got second thoughts, I was still doubting myself. But then I came home and saw a comment from my friend on my personal blog about the interview and that made me smile. I didn't ask about the salary but my mom told me later.

The base pay of $22,000 (I think the last time I said this was the highest well that's for assistant teachers, but because I have a four degree I can be a teacher) a year (before taxes), is still less then what I want to making (which is probably what I would get yet is still much better than the $18,000 base for the assistant teacher), roughly $1,833.33 a month.

The highest is $26,000 a year before taxes, which is roughly $2,166.67 pre-tax. That's almost $200 surplus and also a no need for a part time job. Which would be a good thing to cover some of the unknowns that I wasn't able to accurately depict in my preliminary budget.

(Just for kicks, the median would be $24,000 a year, $2,000 a month, a $19.20's a surplus not much but it's something. I would probably still get a part-time job but probably after a few a summer job or something.)

So if they gave me the job at the base pay I would still need to get a part time job that would net me just short of $200 a month. Which isn't that bad...I mean if I got a job at say for instance Walgreens at minimum wage, $6.15/hr (NC's minimum) and work for two days a week Saturday and Sunday (although I've always been told not to work on Sunday that whole Christian thing *shrugs her shoulders* I needs the money to get out of here...I'll do it.) a total of 16 hours a weekend. That's just short of $400 a month (that's $200 more than what I've guessed I would need.), and $4,723.20 annually pre-tax, that's a good chunk of extra cash. So if I chose to do the job as a summer job (starting in May and going to the end of July), I could still make $1,771.20 pre-tax, and only have to make up another $228 (perhaps in non-salary ways).

But this is all contingent on me actually getting the job. This is as much planning have done concerning this job and as much as I'm going to do until I get a job offer (which wouldn't be sometime in the next week or so). I'm trying to be positive, but I swear it's the waiting that kills me. I wish they would just tell you right there if you got it or not. All my other jobs were like that...although for all my other jobs I didn't really have an interview either. I just put in an application and it was a "When an you start" deal. Oh I miss those days.

Well I'm off to watch something on the telly. Has anyone tried the Thule trail game yet?

