Goals: January

I just like everyone else tend to make some sort of New Years Resolutions, although I'm not into the label New Years Resolutions. I rather call them goals. Nevertheless, when the new year came about I too was busy making goals. I probably should have posted these goals sometime in the early month, but I like to take the whole month of December too come up with my yearly goals. Unfortunately this December was hectic and busy and I just couldn't wrapped my head around what was happening in the future. I however I was able to make some small goals for January and I wanted to share with you on how I've done so far.

  1. Look for places to apply: 100%. Although this is currently an ongoing goal until I find employment. As it stands I have applied to a total of 8 places (although I pretty sure that the number is higher but I can't remember nor find my list as of now.)

  2. Start Reading Personal Finance Blogs: 100%. I've started a good blogroll of pf blogs that I tune into everyday. I am still looking for more, especially those with my audience in mind. I haven;t really found any of those. The ones I have found, deal with couples (married and not and with and without kids) or single-parent families since I'm single and without kids, I have to be very selective with what I take from them.

  3. Research different savings venues: semi-done. Since I am still without a job I haven't really done that much research into my savings options.

  4. Research different retirement venues: I want to have a good knowledge of retirement fund terms so that I know what I want when I look at my employer's benefits package. Semi-Done!

  5. Set up a preliminary budget: This was really so I know how much I income I will need to accomplish certain goals. Done!

  6. Keep the bank account in the positive: Although there isn't much in there it's still positive> Done!

Summary: I didn't really have that many financial goals for this month since I don't have much finance to deal with. But the ones I did have, I've manage to complete about 80% of them. But that means the ones that weren't completed have to be pushed to February.

Since January is now over I can share with you my 2008 goals as they stand now:

  1. Get a decent paying job - if need be get a part time job

  2. Get own apartment

  3. Get license and car (I've managed to put this off until now, but it's starting to become more of an hassle to be in the south without a reliable mode of transportation.

  4. Open an high-yield savings account (which with the stock issues now I need to get on this as soon as possible)

5. Monetary goals: I'm holding off on making these until I receive employment and I have an knowledge of my expected income.

With that in mind, what are my February goals? Still working on those. I should have them ready by tomorrow if not Monday at the latest.

