Everyone has a vice or two that cause them money every single paycheck. It's our guilty pleasure, or gift to ourselves for being us. And most people always find it way to account for these vices. But when you are strap for cash or looking to get out of debt, vices can be the bane of your existence.
My vices are gadgets and books, and recently e-books and music. I like to think I am on top of my vices, every now and then I go a bit overboard but not often.
I heart gadgets, I'm a total Generation Y type of gal. If it flashes and does cool things then I'm all for it. The latest gadgets I bought was my cell phone and laptop. I had never own a personal computer before in my life. When I came to college my dad bought me a used PC desktop and used one of the old monitors we had around the house and it lasted me all the way until that summer before it died. Then I went to a rental place a rented a laptop...I went through two of them before the last one fell apart due to shoddy workman ship. My Jr. year a friend of my dad's gifted me with their old PC desktop and it last for 1.5 years, I loved that thing it was the best computer I ever had. But then my dorm room had a surged and it crashed...well after waiting for several months and using my dad's old laptop I had finally had enough money in a paycheck to buy me one. I researched it as good as I could. And ended up with a Toshiba Satellite A135-S4527. It cost me less than $600, and it was more advanced than my two friends Dell laptops that they had both purchased last August (one had went into debt to get and the other one had their parent pay for it.)
Before that I saved for a whole semester to get my self a Nintendo DS and three games. I was so excited to get, again my own personal game console ( I had shared a Sega and a original Nintendo with my sister and my brother had a Playstation 2). Out of the three games I bought I mastered one in less than two months, the other two I got bored with extremely fast and traded them in. I got some more games and one for X-mas but I haven't mastered them either. Since last march I think I've played my game maybe a handful of times. Recently I've been thinking about selling it on Amazon or Ebay. But every time I think about it I remembered how I saved and how I know it's just because I haven't bought a new game for it that I don't play it.
I haven't bought a new book or e-book since October and I won my video mp3 player and I canceled my music subscription back when I bought me laptop...I have Vista and the To-go feature doesn't work with the Vista.
I know that in the upcoming months that these holds on my vices will have to continue but I must confess I look forward to the day when I can dip my toes in them once again.
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