Today I woke up to our first ice "storm" since my freshman year in college back in 2003. It didn't do much but it's still sleeting as we speak so it might get worse. But it's also starting to warm up. Here are some of the pictures I took... (Sorry but some of them are a bit blurry, it was still sleeting when I took them.)
This was taken from the Living Room Window.
Taken from the front door, that's my Mom's car.
Someone had already made footprints...I wanted to be the first.
The hedge right next to our door.
Shot of my Mom's car.
A sky shot
A close up of the car
A blurry close up
My sleeve
My footprint
Our back patio
Another picture of the back patio
I'll try to take some more pics as the day goes by. I have to go out later to do the laundry. Our laundry "room" is sort of detached from the house, off the back patio. Today was a snow day so both my mom and my brother are home, talk about family time.
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